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Welcome to the Abstract Submission Portal for the Child Inclusive Practice Forum 2025

People working with children and young people have a critical role to ensure that the child’s/young person’s views, ideas and experiences are heard and considered in decision making and therapeutic forums.

This year’s Child Inclusive Practice Forum theme is Children at the Centre. Within the Family and Relationship Services sector we have a well-developed body of expertise in working in a child inclusive modality in separation and post separation contexts. This has been recognised in the recent review of the Attorney-General’s Department funded suite of family law services – the Family Relationships Services Program - which has recommended that Child Inclusive Practice be specifically funded and, where safe and appropriate, be presented as an opt-out part of the Family Dispute Resolution process. 

Those in the Family and Relationship Services sector also work with children and young people living in other challenging family contexts – where ensuring children’s right to be heard is central to achieving meaningful and sustainable outcomes for those children and young people.

FRSA invites abstracts for presentations from all professional domains that promote the genuine participation of children and young people and ensure their experiences and views are central in practice. The content will have a focus on research and practice presentations that incorporate the views and experiences of children and young people. How can we engage ethically and meaningfully with children and young people so that their voice can shine through in decisions and processes that affect them?

How to use this portal

Please ensure you have read the abstract submission information available on the Child Inclusive Practice webpage before proceeding with your submission.

If this is your first time visiting the Child Inclusive Practice Forum 2025 Abstract Submission Site please select the "Create New Account" button and enter your email address and a password of your choice. Once in the Abstract Submission Site follow the instructions to enter your contact details before you submit your abstract. 

If you have already created an account please sign in to the Abstract Submission Site below. 

Your email address and password will be needed every time you login to the Abstract Submission Site, and the same email / password combination will be needed when you register to attend the Forum.

For any assistance with your abstract submission please contact: FRSA@kaigi.com.au    

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