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Phylloxera preparedness: improving preparedness for a phylloxera incursion in South Australia

Thursday, May 9, 2024
2:10 PM - 2:20 PM


Suzanne McLoughlin, CEO Vine Health


Ms Suzanne McLoughlin
Acting CEO
Vinehealth Australia

Phylloxera preparedness: improving preparedness for a phylloxera incursion in South Australia


Vinehealth Australia (Vinehealth) is a small independent statutory authority in South Australia, funded by vineyard owners to protect and advance the state’s 76,000 hectares of vineyards (50% of the national vineyard area) from pests and diseases. The core focus of the organisation is preventing the introduction and spread of the tiny insect pest, grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae), currently found in bordering eastern states. Phylloxera causes vine death within five to six years depending on strain, has a relatively long survival away from vine hosts, is hard to kill through disinfestation treatments, and is predominantly vector spread. Once a vineyard becomes infected, there is no cure.

Operating under the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995, Vinehealth’s functions and activities cover prevention, preparedness, response and transition to management. Vinehealth works closely with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions, South Australia (PIRSA), the lead agency for prevention and response in the state.

Vinehealth and PIRSA are currently collaborating to improve their phylloxera preparedness. A review of current preparedness and response plans has identified gaps. A prioritised activities list based on highest return on investment has been compiled to address these gaps; being imperative given the capacity-constrained operating environment. Prioritisation was enabled through completion of a Program Logic using a ‘ready, aware and able’ model. Indicative risks of mismanaged response and transition to management phases were paired against the various Controls (outputs) from the Program Logic identified to actively addressed them. Activities within each Control area that addressed the highest number of risks were then earmarked for preferential completion. This work is expected to improve communication of decisions and actions to be taken in a phylloxera outbreak with stakeholders, and enhance the value the grape and wine industries place on the state’s phylloxera area freedom status.

