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Habitat suitability and reintroduction site selection for the northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) in British Columbia, Canada - Lea Randall

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
2:30 PM - 2:40 PM
Sirius / Pleiades Room, Esplanade Hotel Fremantle


Agenda Item Image
Ms Lea Randall
Senior Manager Conservation Translocations
Wilder Institute

Habitat suitability and reintroduction site selection for the northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) in British Columbia, Canada


There currently exists only a single extant population of northern leopard frogs in British Columbia (BC), Canada, and past reintroduction attempts have met with limited success. As a result, the BC Northern Leopard Frog Recovery Team initiated a search for a new reintroduction site in 2021 through the development of quantitative assessment tools. This involved establishment of a Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model and a Site Selection Criteria table based upon the unique habitat requirements of the northern leopard frog in BC. The HSI model spatially filtered for suitable habitat within the historical range based on attributes such as elevation, number of waterbodies, solar exposure, road density, etc. Any potentially suitable locations detected by the HSI were further filtered during a preliminary desktop assessment whereby clearly unsuitable sites (e.g., located in heavily forested areas or with significant barriers between habitat types) were eliminated. Concurrently with the HSI, a Site Selection Criteria table was developed. Use of this table involves scoring each site for numerous habitat attributes important for the northern leopard frog in the overarching categories of breeding habitat, foraging habitat, overwintering habitat, connectivity, and land use/other. On-the-ground field visits were completed at all suitable sites in spring, summer, and fall in order to collect the relevant data to allow for scoring of each site in the Site Selection Criteria table. We found these methods to be an effective way to quantitatively compare and
select a new reintroduction site.


Lea A. Randall, MSc., is the interim Senior Manager Conservation Translocations at the Wilder Institute/ Calgary Zoo and has worked as a population ecologist for the last 12 years. She received her BSc. in biology from the University of Victoria and MSc. in ecology from the University of Calgary.

Session Chair

Amy Coetsee
Threatened Species Biologist, Wildlife Conservation & Science
Zoos Victoria
