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Learning from past translocations and conservation programs to reintroduce the Eastern Bristlebird to Wilsons Promontory in south-eastern Australia - Dr Dean Portelli

Monday, November 13, 2023
11:00 AM - 11:10 AM
Sirius / Pleiades Room, Esplanade Hotel Fremantle


Dr Dean Portelli
Project Officer Ecologist
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Learning from past translocations and conservation programs to reintroduce the Eastern Bristlebird to Wilsons Promontory in south-eastern Australia


Conservation translocations of animals are costly, and success is not guaranteed. Applying learnings from past translocations to improve the likelihood of success is therefore highly desirable. We planned an ambitious reintroduction program, which is being collaboratively delivered by government and non-government organisations, to translocate Eastern Bristlebirds to Wilsons Promontory in south-eastern Australia. The lessons learned from two previous wild-to-wild translocations, two wild-to-captive translocations, a captive-breeding program and long-term population monitoring of Eastern Bristlebirds provided a strong foundation for planning a more complex wild-to-wild translocation of this species. Extensive consultation with the conservation practitioners involved in these projects informed key planning decisions, including staging translocations, determining founder size, selecting a release site, and formulating metrics and thresholds for evaluating success. Learnings were also applied to refine translocation procedures for Eastern Bristlebirds. The reintroduction program is on track to being successful, with high survival of founders during translocation and in the immediate and short terms following release, moderately high fidelity to the release site, and recruitment observed during the first breeding season following release. Our case study highlights the benefits of applying past learnings to mitigate risks and improve the likelihood of success when planning and delivering translocations.


Dean Portelli has worked in various roles related to the conservation of Australian wildlife for over twenty years. His experience with conservation translocations includes on-ground delivery, planning and approvals.

Session Chair

Saul Cowen
Research Scientist
