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WORKSHOP: Introductory concepts in spatial capture recapture

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
9:00 - 17:00
Chancellor 7


Workshop organiser: Joanne Potts, The Analytical Edge, TAS. This workshop is aimed at people collecting and analysing capture-recapture data to estimate density of a target population, where a portion of the population can be uniquely identified. This includes proximity traps (e.g., camera traps), multi-catch traps (e.g., mist nets) or single-catch traps. No background knowledge in capture-recapture analyses is required, since the workshop will cover introductory concepts. The workshop will be conducted in R, and although code will be provided with complete worked examples, familiarity with R will help participants gain more from the workshop. This workshop will cover the following: – motivation for using spatial capture-recapture – theoretical understanding of how the spatial capture-recapture likelihood works (in pictures!) – a practical in class during which participants collect spatial capture-recapture data – learn how to store, format and import spatial capture-recapture data – analyse data collected during the morning session, including using ‘masks’ to define habitat from non-habitat, exploring the form of the capture function, the use of covariates, and model selection
