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ESA Queer Mixer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
17:30 - 18:00
Hotel Grand Chancellor


Ecologists are a diverse group of individuals. We at ESA recognise this and aim to promote equity and reflect the diversity of our membership. This year at ESA we are hosting our first ever Queer mixer. Queer people in science face particular challenges, whether that be working in locations that are unsafe and intolerant of LGBT+ individuals, or being in a work environment that is dominated by cis- and heteronormativity. Come along to discuss your research, share stories and personal experiences and make new connections with fellow Queer ecologists over a few nibbles. This is also an opportunity for Queer allies to show support for the Queer community in ecology and their support for enhancing diversity and equity more broadly. So please come one and all for what is sure to be a fun event.
