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FIELD TRIP to Urban Green Zones – Using science to inform management in urban reserves

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
8:00 - 17:00


This field trip explores the values of urban parks and gardens and how ecological science can help create solutions for complex management issues. The day will involve walking through three different reserves managed by the City of Launceston (Carr Villa Flora Reserve and Memorial Park, Punchbowl Reserve and West Tamar Walking Trail). We will look at how the council, in partnership with agencies, organisations and the community, have used science, including citizen science, to help conserve threatened species and communities. With local land managers, government officials and scientists as guides throughout the day, we will explore how issues such as bushfire risk, water quality, vegetation management, revegetation, pet control, urban encroachment and recreation are addressed using applied ecology, community education, and citizen science.
